The incident took place within the jurisdiction of Mandra police station in the outskirts of Khakhari, where Shamsuddin went to the house of his estranged wife Tasmina for reconciliation.
This lead to a harsh exchange of words after which he shot dead his 23-year-old wife Tasmina, mother-in-law Khatoon Bibi, father-in-law Fazl-ur-Rehman, and sister-in-law Tayyaba.
Shamsuddin managed to escape from the incident, and even kidnapped the infant child of his sister-in-law.
The victim’s bodies have been shifted to tehsil Headquarter hospital in Gujjar Khan for post-mortem.
Police have arrested the sister of the assailant, and raids are underway for his arrest. A case was registered in Madira police station by the husband of his slain sister-in-law.
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