ADB announces $3 million aid for Pakistan’s flood victims

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Wednesday approved a $3 million grant to support Pakistan’s emergency relief efforts amid widespread floods across the country.

The death toll from the devastating floods in Pakistan has soared to 1,162 while more than 3,500 people have been injured so far since June 14.

The grant, financed by the Asia Pacific Disaster Response Fund (APDRF), will help fund the immediate purchase of food supplies, tents, and other relief goods to support flood victims across the country.

“ADB stands with the people of Pakistan during these difficult times,” said ADB Director General for Central and West Asia Yevgeniy Zhukov. “We are committed to working with the government and other development partners to help Pakistan overcome the devastating impact of this natural disaster and provide immediate relief to affected families.”

“Our team is also helping to assess the damage caused by floods to draw up plans to support longer term rehabilitation efforts and strengthen communities’ climate resilience,” ADB Country Director for Pakistan Yong Ye said.

“ADB is coordinating with other partners to support Pakistan’s response,

including through the ADB-supported National Disaster Risk Management Fund created to strengthen Pakistan’s climate and disaster risk resilience and to efficiently channel funds to support local authorities’ disaster resilience work,” he added.

Heavy rains across Pakistan have triggered flash floods, landslides, and glacial lake outbursts. In July, the country received more than 60% of average annual monsoon rainfall in just 3 weeks. Over 33 million people are estimated to have been affected by the floods. Almost half a million people are currently in relief camps.


Pakistan has identified several priority needs: food security, agriculture and livestock, health, water, sanitation, hygiene, shelter, and nonfood items.

The ADB announcement of aid comes after the United Nations (UN) issued a flash appeal for $160 million to help Pakistan cope with catastrophic floods that have killed more than 1,100 people and affected 33 million people.

“Pakistan is awash in suffering,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a video message for the launch of the appeal in Islamabad and Geneva.

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