Administration takes steps for traffic after Shisper Glacier flooding

Shisper Glacier flooding, Hassababad Bridge, Karakoram HighwayShisper Glacier flooding, Hassababad Bridge, Karakoram Highway

GILGIT: The local administration is taking steps for an alternate route after closure of the Hunza-Karakoram Highway owing to glacial flooding in the area.

A Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) occurred in Hunza’s Hassanabad village Saturday after the lake formed over the Shisper Glacier started discharging massive water owing to premature melting.

The Karakoram Highway has been closed after an RCC bridge built at Hassanabad village, was damaged yesterday owing to the glacial flooding.

SP Hunza has said that the decision has been taken to pass the vehicles through the alternate route of Nagar.

Big vehicles except coasters will not be allowed to pass through the alternate route. The coasters will also be allowed to pass through within specific time.

After closure of Karakoram Highway only small vehicles are being allowed to run on the alternate road.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has expressed his sympathy with the affected families over losses in glacial flooding at Shisper Glacier.

He has directed for taking emergency steps to tackle the situation with emphasis for protection of people and their shifting to safer places.

The prime minister has also ordered immediate supply of food, medicines and other essential items in the affected area.

The prime minister has directed federal departments to extend assistance to the government of Gilgit-Baltistan.

He has also directed for preparing an alternate route after collapse of the Hassanabad Bridge at Karakoram Highway.

The prime minister has also summoned report about losses in the flooding.

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