An abandoned Spanish village Salto de Castro is up for sale for just Rs 5.7 crore (50 million).
Most of us dream of buying a house or a villa, but have you ever heard of an entire village on sale for just Rs 5.7 crore and that too in Spain?
This village named Salto de Castro which has been uninhabited for over more than 30 years is currently being sold for €227,000 (Rs 5.7 crore), according to a report in an international media outlet.
Salto de Castro is located on the border with Portugal in the province of Zamora, a three-hour drive from Madrid, Spain.
The village was built in 1950s with the aim to turn it into a popular tourist destination but the crisis made it difficult to successfully implement the plan and later it was abandoned in the 1980s.
Currently, the village includes 44 homes, a hotel, a church, a school, a municipal swimming pool and a barracks building that housed the civil guard.
Earlier, property agents said they hoped the 145-hectare (358.3-acre) Tarraleah village in the heart of Tasmania state would fetch up to Aus$13 million (US$10 million).
“I’ve never sold a town before,” property agent John Blacklow, who has been selling hotels for more than three decades, told AFP.
Since the village was placed on the market, it has attracted prospective buyers — individuals as well as companies — from Australia and also China, Hong Kong and Singapore, Blacklow said.
The village in the Central Highlands was originally built in the 1920s and ’30s to support 2,000 hydroelectric workers, but as the dams and power stations servicing southern Tasmania became automated, staff were no longer required.
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