Are real babies made by vinyl beautiful or creepy?

Real babies made by vinyl are generally referred to as reborn babies or reborn dolls. They are attracting people across the globe as they are realistically weighted to feel like a newborn baby.

But the question remains that are they beautiful or creepy? Here are the some facts about the vinyl babies you need to know…

They are softer you can press into the limbs but they are not squishy and you cannot bend the ankles or wrists into unnatural positions. Think of it this way: A soft vinyl baby’s limbs feel similar to a real baby’s as a real baby would not have the ability to roll the limbs into extreme positioning because of the bones present to give stability to the body.

 Vinyl babies are flexible to the extent determined by their body style. All vinyl babies have cloth bodies, even the full vinyl body babies. With the exception of ball jointed vinyl dolls (which are usually not weighted due to the assembly mechanisms involved) all of the vinyl babies will have a cloth body.

It will be underneath the torso sleeve that makes them full body anatomically correct. There are two types of cloth bodies. Jointed limbed cloth bodies will allow the hips and shoulders more flexibility and will allow the arms and legs to spin all the way around on the joint axis.

Non-jointed cloth bodies have a limited range of motion and the arms and legs cannot spin around the joint axis. They can have arms lifted and turned (amount of rotation will depend on whether mobility rings have been added to the limb during assembly).

You can, however wipe them down safely with a damp sponge or cloth and the hair can be gently and carefully shampooed a few times a year to keep it fresh.

Vinyl babies do not tend to break down over time when cared for properly. You can reasonably expect 10-30 years of good life from your vinyl baby if you treat it well and care for it lovingly.

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