Actor Areeba Habib tied the knot on Friday with Saadain Imran Sheikh and the pictures and the video of the couple is going viral.
The pictures and video, that made rounds on the social media application Instagram, see the bride wearing a red bridal dress whereas the groom had donned a dark blue kurta shalwar.
Here are the pictures and the videos that have been making rounds across social media outlets.
Earlier, the visuals of Areeba Habib’s Mayun event – that was attended by family members, close friends and co-celebrities – went viral as well.
It is pertinent to mention that the Koi Chand Rakh star had exchanged the rings with her fiance Saadain Imran Sheikh by sharing a picture of their intimate ceremony in August this year.
Moreover, she has quite a fan base on social media platforms with 2.2 million Instagram followers. She takes to the picture and video-sharing platform to share pictures and videos of her photoshoots and behind the scenes of her projects.
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