Police raided a flat in Bahadrabad area on Sunday and arrested four bookmakers from there, while the Pak-India match was underway in Adelaide. The arrested bookies told police that Pakistan will lose the match.
Meanwhile, the Pakistan cricket team started batting against India and lost wickets one after another, and police witnessed bookies’ claims coming true.
The arrested bookies told that bets are being placed on hundred different locations in Karachi including Malir, Gadap Town, Defense and Liaquatabad.
They added that nearly 10 billion rupees were to be put on stake in Karachi alone, while their other set-ups are still working in Punjab and Dubai.
Sources quoted these bookies as saying that their owners told them to have met two cricketers, a month ahead of the match and they could make any of the two teams win.
It was further told that the accused were bribing police officials and backed by some influential figures.
Some of the police officials were also reported to be ‘partners’ with the bookmakers and that there are major set-ups working in Khayaban e Mujahid and Khayaban e Muhafiz in Defense, Karachi.