Baby touches mom’s head to realise she doesn’t have hair, video goes viral

baby mother's head hair viral videobaby mother's head hair viral video

A hilarious reaction of a baby was caught on camera touching her mother’s head only to realise that there are no hairs.

The video has gone viral on social media which was shared on Instagram with a caption, ‘It’s like she totally realized she has no hair!’.

It showed a baby girl playing with her dog on the floor and suddenly touching her mother’s head who is lying on the floor beside her.



The girl lifts a strand of her mother’s hair and looks at it curiously while slipping it in her hand. Later, she instantly touches her head only to realise that there are no hairs. The video clip has garnered millions of views and thousands of likes.

The netizens loved the baby girl’s reaction and commented on what she might be thinking. A user commented, “Why haven’t I got hair ???”

Another said, “Oh Baby! It will come in, and it will be beautiful!”

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