Fearful of bloodbath at the hands of India in occupied Kashmir: PM Khan

PM Imran Khan, Prime Minister, New York Times, Kashmir, Occupied Kashmir, India, Indian Occupied Kashmir, IoKPM Imran Khan, Prime Minister, New York Times, Kashmir, Occupied Kashmir, India, Indian Occupied Kashmir, IoK

NEW YORK: Prime Minister Imran Khan told the editorial board of The New York Times about the dangers to regional and international peace the crisis in Kashmir can be a harbinger for, ARY News reported on Wednesday.

Prime Minister Imran Khan apprised the delegation about the gravity of the situation in occupied Jammu and Kashmir created by India’s illegal annexation and its barbaric actions including the continuing curfew.

Read More: World would’ve reacted differently had Kashmiris not been Muslims: PM Khan

Revealing his fears to the journalists regarding the issue, Khan said: “There is a danger of a bloodbath in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. The world must act to avert this, I fear that it would then be too little too late.”

Earlier in the day, Speaking at a high-level round-table discussion on “Countering Hate Speech” in the United Nations

(UN) alongside Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, PM Imran Khan said that terrorism has nothing to do with any religion but it is the marginalization of any community that leads to radicalization.

Noting the growing incidents of discrimination and violence, the prime minister underscored the importance of addressing both the catalysts and consequences of the phenomena.

Read More: Int’l community failed in acting according to expectations on Kashmir: PM Khan

Imran Khan maintained that terrorism has nothing to do with any religion but sadly, some western leaders associated suicide bombings and acts of terror with Islam and coined terms like ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ and ‘Islamic extremism’ for political benefits without taking into consideration how this behaviour might give rise to Islamophobia.

Prime Minister Imran Khan also called for effective measures to counter hate speech and Islamophobia in the west.



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