Delhi Police’s Economic Offences Wing questioned Bollywood actor Nora Fatehi for four hours in the INR 200 crore extortion case against conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar.
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Enforcement Directorate had stated that Nora Fatehi got a BMW car from the conman in December 2020 in their charge sheet. The celebrity told the investigators that the luxury vehicle was gifted to her by the suspect’s wife Leena Paul for attending an event in Chennai.
The actor, like her fellow celebrity Jacqueline Fernandez, told investigators that she too was Sukesh Chandrasekhar’s victim. According to an Indian news agency, the celebrity said she denied I did not know who he was or that she had ever spoken to him.
It is pertinent to mention that Sukesh Chandrasekhar claimed that he called the actor to inform her of the gift he sent via Signal application. She refuted his accusation by saying she never used the app.
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“Nora Fatehi has been the victim around the case and being a witness, she is co-operating and helping the officers in the investigation,” Nora Fatehi’s team stated. “We would like to make it very clear that she has not been a part of any money laundering activity, she does not know or have any personal connection with the accused and has been called by the ED to strictly help with the investigation.”
It is pertinent to mention that Sukesh Chandrasekhar and 13 others duped the wife of Ranbaxy’s former promoter of INR 200 crores. The alleged conman told her he would facilitate her husband’s release from prison.
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