Bomb-proof check posts inaugurated in KP

KP check postsKP check posts

PESHAWAR: Inspector general Khyber Pakhtonkhwa Salahuddin Mehsud says multiple bomb-proof check posts have been inaugurated in the province at a cost of Rs 800 million.

According to provincial police chief, 31 check posts have been set up along the borderline of FATA to prevent terrorists and foreign entities to enter through this route.

IG KPK further stated that they will recruit minimum 800 new officers.The old stations will be renovated and rebuilt. A watchtower is soon to be installed at Peshawar Airport which will further improve Airport security.

According to Salahuddin Mehsud, Peshawar in comparison to other Provinces will witness more refined security. A number of 8000 cameras will be set around the city and government will soon allot motorcycles for the special command unit.

According to reports, these checkpoints will be converted into fully functional Police stations after the merger of Fata in KPK.


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