CAA notifies promotion of senior officers, employees

KARACHI: The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has notified the promotions of its senior officers and employees to the next ranks, ARY News reported on Tuesday.

Nineteen officers of CAA’s Executive Group 6 have been promoted from senior joint director to additional director. The promoted officers include Peshawar airport manager Major Ubaidur Rehman Abbasi, Karachi airport manager Imran Khan and the airport manager of Lahore.

The chief operation officers (COOs) of four major airports including Lahore’s Allama Iqbal International Airport, Multan International Airport, Peshawar’s Bacha Khan International Airport and Karachi’s Jinnah International Airports. The COOs were promoted to the position of senior additional directors.

A promotion board comprising CAA Director-General (DG) Khaqan Murtaza, additional director-general and deputy director-general approved the promotions of officers based on their performance.

Moreover, 30 officers of the Executive Group 7 were promoted to EG-8 from additional director to senior additional director.

The director of the CAA Human Resource (HR) Department has also notified promotions of 155 employees which includes 135 workers from Group 5 to the next group, 18 employees from Group 6 to 7 and one each from Group 8, 9 and 10.


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