Chairman KPT presents Rs137 mn cheque to CJP for dams fund

dam funddam fund

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Karachi Port Trust (KPT) Rear Admiral Jamil Akhtar on Thursday presented a cheque of over 137 million rupees as donation to the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s Diamer Basha and Mohmand Dams Fund.

He presented this cheque during a meeting with the CJP at the Supreme Court of Pakistan in Islamabad.

Read More: CEO ARY Digital Network Salman Iqbal presents $100, 000 cheque to CJP for dam fund

The Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) has informed the government that the construction of two major dams — Mohmand and Diamer-Bhasha — will begin in first two quarters of the next year.

The total approved cost of both the dams is around Rs883 billion. The authorities had invited consultancy firms to submit proposals for the Rs478bn Diamer-Bhasha dam. Around Rs4.89 billion have been received so far for the dams.

About the dam fund

The Diamer Bhasha and Mohmand Dam Fund 2018 was established by the federal government in pursuance of a Supreme Court order for raising funds for the construction of the two dams.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Mian Saqib Nisar was the first to donate money for the fund as on July 5, he deposited Rs1Million as donation in the account titled “DIAMER BASHA AND MOHMAND DAM FUND–2018′.

The fund, which was merged with PM’s fund by PM Imran Khan on September 7, can receive donations and contributions from both domestic and international donors, individuals and companies, and the general public has been requested to contribute generously.

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