LAHORE: Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Saqib Nisar remarked on Monday “In any case, permission to receive additional fees from students, in the name of donations, will not be given to private medical colleges.”
During the suo moto case hearing pertaining to the collection of additional fees from students of private medical colleges, the director of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) apprised the court in his detailed report that medical colleges receive money from students in the name of donations and foreign quota.
Director FIA also informed that 745 million rupees have been returned to students which were taken as extra fees.
The chief justice ordered that a standard of the central admission policy needs to be determined. “An admission policy based on preferential treatment cannot be tolerated,” top judge further stressed that even if legislation is required in this regard, “we will encourage it.”Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) will fix the standards of admission policy which will be implemented by all private medical colleges and in case of any violation, medical colleges will be liable to pay heavy fines, chief justice Nisar warned.
The chief justice also instructed PMDC to submit its proposals on the admission policy today.
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