KARACHI: In a bid to overhaul existing education system in public sector, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Monday constituted a committee to review the Sindh School Education Standards and Curriculum (SSES&C) Bill -2015 to make recommendations for necessary amendments.
“A number of steps have been taken to improve the education system but it seems the entire system needs to be overhauled and reformed for producing better results,” he said in a meeting here at CM House.
Provincial ministers, Jam Mehtab Dahar, Minister Law Ziaul Hassan Lanjar, Chief Secretary Rizwan Memon, Principal secretary Sohail Rajput, former education secretaries Fazal Pechuho and Aziz Uqaili, provincial secretaries Sohail Akbar Shah, Asif Hyder Shah and other concerned officer.
The chief minister said that the text was not up to the mark, teachers were not properly trained, class rooms or schools lacked proper facilities and there be lack of motivation as well.
He said that the cabinet had decided to regularize the services on NTS pass contract teachers.
“That is fine but the number of teachers working in Sindh are around 150,000 even then education is not improving as per numerical strength of our teaching staff,” he added.
Read More: Murad vows to revise, alter educational curriculum in Sindh
Murad Shah said that he had plan to establish a top class thoroughly professional teachers training academy responsible for designing training programs for teachers.
“A parallel Curriculum Council would also be established to develop content of the text books according to ground requirements and parallel to the international level,” he said.
He suggested to link all promotions and facilities of teachers to their qualifications, trainings and expertise and their professionalism.
“The teachers who fail to qualify training programs would be taken out of teaching process. The teachers would be given three opportunities to qualify for each and every course. These in-service courses would be an on-going training process,” he said.
Murad Ali Shah also assigned the task to the education department to establish the training academy on Public Private Partnership/outsource mode with a well reputed organization within next four years.
“When the academy would start functioning the training programmes would be started. It means the process of training and removing inefficient teaching staff would start after four years,” he said.
Read More: ‘Teachers working in education department should appear in testing system every five years’ says CM Sindh
Former Secretary Education Fazal Pechuho said that the SSES&CBill 2015 was a bill of reforms. If it was implemented in true letter and spirit the education system would be reformed as envisaged by the chief minister, he added.
The CM constituted a committee with minister education, minister law, secretary education, former secretaries education Fazal pechuho, Aziz Uqaili to review the contain of the bill and suggest further improvement to amend it within next seven days.
On the basis of its recommendation, the leading educationist of different organizations would be involved to develop a 10-year education reforms programme to overhaul education system in the province, he added.
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