Some Interesting Comedy Movies

Hollywood Comedy MoviesHollywood Comedy Movies

Comedy movies are excellent in entertainment value and bring pleasure whenever watched. The best away to while away the rigours of long evenings is to tune in and watch interesting comedy movies.

In this respect there are plenty of such Interesting comedies to enjoy. It is the best entertainment and people usually look forward to it.

Grease (1978)

Technically, Grease really gets going at the start of the school year. However, Danny (John Travolta) and Sandy’s (Olivia Newton-John) fling takes place in the summer. Grease is a great sing-a-long film and has managed to stand the test of time and span generations of fans. So just put on the film and look forward to a good time while spending a summer night at home.

One Crazy Summer (1986)

Those fans of 1980s teen films probably remember this underrated romantic comedy. For everybody else, it’s likely not on many radars. That does not mean it is not worth a trip back in time. John Cusack (as Hoops McCann – great name) and Demi Moore (a musician running from a biker gang) spend a summer on Nantucket. It can be a little over the top but it also has a great deal of charm.

Say Anything… (1989)

Summer love is a consistent theme in the movies. However, when it comes to this Cameron Crowe hit, it is also a movie for the underdog. Slacker everyman Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) shoots for the moon in asking out brilliant and beautiful Diane Court (Ione Skye).

Their relationship is quite the adventure over the summer. It still holds up well enough for today’s teens to appreciate. Then, of course, there is the famous boom box scene.

Hairspray (2007)

No offense at all to the

classic 1988 John Waters version of the film; however, this take is based on the Broadway musical from the early 2000s. It is also a little less campy than the original and features Hollywood heavyweights like John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer and Christopher Walken. Also the final ensemble number of “You Can’t Stop The Beat” is the highlight and done remotely quite well.

Adventureland (2009)

A little different version of a rom-com with an almost kind of indie, coming-of-age feel. College grad James (Jesse Eisenberg) needs money and ends up working at a shoddy amusement park for the summer, alongside Emily (Kristen Stewart).

The two hit it off, which has its moments of sweetness. However, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Ryan Reynolds and Martin Starr provide quality support.

Mamma Mia (2008)

While Pierce Brosnan’s voice can be nauseating at times, this is a very visual film. While watching on HD, it tends to capture a child’s attention and can offer mom and dad some quiet moments. It is campy and overindulgent but the music of ABBA usually means a good time. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself dancing around the living room with Meryl Streep and Co.

Caddyshack (1980)

Plenty will hit the links in earnest this summer. There is also a good bet many times over that lines from this comedy golf classic will be spewed while trying to sink a big putt or flopping one into a water hazard. Another film that might not be for the whole family and probably could not be made today — it is from those less-stringent times of the late 1970s and early ‘80s. Yet it is just so much fun for golf fans to revisit.

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