Legendary Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar, 98, has been admitted to Mumbai’s Hinduja Hospital due to an undisclosed illness, a close friend of Kumar’s confirmed late Wednesday.
The news comes weeks after Kumar was discharged from Hinduja Hospital after a successful pleural aspiration surgery. The update was shared on his personal Twitter account by Faisal Farooqui, a close associate of Kumar.
“Dilip Saab has been admitted to Hinduja Hospital, Khar to address medical issues related to illness which are frequently expected in a 98-year-old.”
Dilip Saab has been admitted to Hinduja Hospital, Khar to address medical issues related to illness which are frequently expected in a 98 year old. Your love and prayers are truly appreciated by Saab- Faisal Farooqui
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) June 30, 2021
He added that Kumar was in need of and appreciated the prayers of his fans.
Earlier in June, Kumar was admitted to Hinduja Hospital after being diagnosed with pleural effusion, for which he underwent a successful pleural aspiration surgery.
Thank you for your prayers. A successful pleural aspiration procedure was performed on Dilip Saab. I personally spoke to Dr. Jalil Parkar and Dr. Nitin Gokhale. They are optimistic that he will be discharged tomm (Thursday).- FF (@FAISALmouthshut)
— Dilip Kumar (@TheDilipKumar) June 9, 2021
“Thank you for your prayers. A successful pleural aspiration procedure was performed on Dilip Saab,” Farooqui had reported on June 10.
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