‘Dossier on Indian brutalities in Kashmir handed over to Ban-Ki Moon’

“He was moved by the victims’ photographs, and assured that the UN diplomats would look into the matter,” the PM told journalists in New York.

The premier, who also laid stress upon resolving the issue in his speech to UN General Assembly, claimed that he urged the UN Secretary General to get the resolutions on Kashmir adopted by the world body implemented.

PM  said he informed the leadership of the United States, China, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Turkey, and other countries about the prevailing grave human rights situation in Occupied Kashmir, and “they all tried to understand Pakistan’s position”.

VIDEO and TEXT: PM Nawaz’s speech at UN General Assembly


PM Nawaz talking to journalists in New York.

The Prime Minister said Turkey promised to send a fact finding mission to Occupied Kashmir, and a similar response was given by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

He further claimed that the Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani,  during meeting with him, stated that Chabahar and Gwadar ports will complement to each other instead of being competitors.

Answering a question about Uri attack and Indian allegations on Pakistan, the PM maintained that India is habitual of blaming Pakistan but never provides any evidence to prove its accusations.

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