Eight of ten Malala attackers “secretly” released, claims British newspaper

According to a report appeared in Daily Mirror, only two attackers are serving the sentence while remaining eight have been freed.

The attackers were sentenced to 25-year imprisonment each by a court in Swat on April 30.

The report claims, citing a senior security source in Pakistan, that eight were released “quietly, to avoid a media fuss”.

The source added: “The trial had ­absolutely no credibility as nobody was there to witness it but a public prosecutor, a judge, the army and the accused.

The report went on claim citing an insider that: “This was a tactic to get the media ­pressure away from the Malala case because the whole world wanted ­convictions for the crime. But the truth is that, whether these acquitted men were involved or not in the Malala shooting, the public has been lied to.”

“Azaad Khan, the police

chief of Swat Valley where Malala was shot in the head on her school bus on October 9, 2012, confirmed only two men, Izharullah and Israr ur Rehman, have been locked up over the cowardly attack”, said the report.

The Mirror contacted him and he said: “It’s not a source, it’s a straightforward matter and there is no need to refer to a source. It’s about the two persons isn’t it?”

Taliban militants boarded the teenager’s school bus and shot her in the head in October 2012 for her outspoken views on girls’ education, in an attack that also wounded two of her friends and shocked the world.

Malala, now 17, survived and in October last year became the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in history for her courageous and determined fight for all children to have the right to go to school.

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