Few great street marketing campaigns

McDonald made this version of pedestrian crossing in Switzerland in order to triumph the battle of heavy competition they faced during a festive month.

The axe brand used this funny street campaign by installing mirrors on the streets and making twisted tagline with snow-white’s famous dialogue Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Well, obviously whoever uses Axe!

Nike advertisements are known for their motivational concepts, this is a bench they installed in the Madison Square Park, New York to give a simple message Run. By this bench Nike means that running is the most essential part and no matter what it takes there is no time for rest.


In Pakistan also the high time for the street activation campaigns is Ramzan or Eid but Fanta used a different tactic when they painted the Joy land amusement park in Lahore according to their theme “Fanta Fun Hamesha On Hai”. The Fun and color looked amazing in the park.

Kitkat installed this bench in an area with this tagline. Don’t sit on this Kit Kat bench when its hot, the chocolate will melt all over your clothes…

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