LAHORE: A sessions court on Friday extended the interim bail of former Punjab police inspector Abid Hussain alias Abid Boxer till Jan 17 in four cases pertaining to land grabbing, fraud and kidnapping.
The investigation officer submitted a report on the progress made so far while probing the cases. It is pertinent to mention here that Boxer had been acquitted in five cases by a court earlier.
Rejecting allegations leveled against him, the former cop had earlier accused former Punjab chief minister Shehbaz Sharif of using his political clout to get frivolous cases registered against him.
Boxer had joined the police force in 1988 as an assistant sub-inspector and was later promoted to the rank of inspector. He fled the country after various cases were lodged against him.
The notorious encounter specialist was arrested in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and extradited to Pakistan through Interpol in February last year.
However, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and police had feigned ignorance about the former cop’s whereabouts in the Lahore High Court (LHC) where his father-in-law stated that it is highly probable for his son-in-law might to be killed in an fake encounter.
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