Four labourers die by gas suffocation in Quetta water tank

mother two children killed gas leakage blastmother two children killed gas leakage blast

QUETTA: Four labourers including three brothers suffocated to death on Sunday here when the tank in which they were working was filled with gas, ARY News reported.

The labourers were working in a house in Khar Tar area of Marri Abad to clean a water tank, police said. Initially two labourers, who were working in the tank were fainted, when two others went to their rescue they were also suffocated to death due to presence of gas in the water tank.

The dead bodies of deceased labourers were transferred to a hospital.

Among the deceased, three workers Muhammad Ashraf, Muhammad Rahim and Muhammad Taqi were  real brothers.

Fourth worker was identified as Abid Ali. The deceased were aged between 20 to 26 years.

In a similar incident, six members of a family were suffocated to death by gas leakage in the outskirts of Mansehra in January this year.

Six people of a family including a couple, three children and grandmother at a house at Pano Road area in outskirts of Mansehra, were suffocated to death due to gas leak in their house.

A man Muhammad Afzal Mistri, his wife, mother and three children were sleeping at home in night, leaving the gas heater on due to severe cold weather. The heater remained on when the gas supply interrupted due to load shedding.

As the gas supply resumed the heater was on, which filled the premises with gas causing death of all six members of the family in sleep by gas suffocation, according to local police.

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