‘Fraud’ keeps viewers hooked with intriguing storyline!

fraud drama, ahsan khan, saba qamar, naeema buttfraud drama, ahsan khan, saba qamar, naeema butt

‘Fraud’ has been a viewer’s favourite with an intriguing storyline and refined performances of A-list actors – Ahsan Khan, Saba Qamar, and Mikaal Zulfiqar.

The latest episode 16 which aired the past weekend sees Shujaat alias Tabraiz (Ahsan Khan) trapping yet another girl, Tooba (Naeema Butt) – who is the step-sister of Shaan (Mikaal Zulfiqar).

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It all started when Tabraiz who met Tooba near an ATM booth and decided to help her with money due to failure in the monetary transaction, invited her for a date at a restaurant and reserved the entire place to spend alone time with her.

Rather amazed by the move, Tooba tells him that he seems to have plenty of money to reserve the entire restaurant, to which Tabraiz replies that he has never been concerned about money or wealth since childhood.

He further added, “It’s always a pleasure to spend money on the people you adore.”

Later, when Tooba compliments Tabraiz for his words, he stated, “I speak my heart, and when you speak your heart out with someone, it leads to attraction.”

Tooba interrupted him saying “We are not even friends yet.”

“You are making me uncomfortable [with such remarks] and if you will continue with this conversation, I’ll have to leave,” she added.

Do you think Tabraiz would succeed in his plan? Will Tooba fall victim to his deception or Maya would save her somehow with the truth of the conman? Wait for the next episode to see how the riveting story unfolds.

‘Fraud’ starring A-list actors Saba Qamar Zaman, Ahsan Khan, and Mikaal Zulfiqar in lead roles – is a story of deceit, dishonesty, and cheating. The supporting cast includes Mehmood Aslam, Asma Abbas, Nida Mumtaz, Rabya Kulsoom, Saife Hassan, Naeema Butt, Adnan Samad Khan and Nazli Nasr among others.

Zanjabeel Asim Shah has written the script while Saqib Khan helmed the direction for the project, which airs prime time every Saturday on ARY Digital.

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