Priyanka Chopra has certainly made her mark not only in the Indian film industry but worldwide as well. The actress last year became the first South Asian to bag the People’s Choice Award for Favourite Actress for her role as Alex Parrish in Quantico. Priyanka is currently filming for Baywatch opposite Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. Also, she managed to make the list of Time’s 100 Most Influential List.
In a recent interview, the actress admitted how she was made fun of as a child.
“I had the worst self esteem when I was a kid,” she recalled. “I was made fun of for the way I talked, for where I came from. I was made fun of at every level,” said the actress.
The actress also said that the best way she came up with to beat that was to set goals for herself and achieve them. Chopra also said that she always had a plan B.
“When I started doing movies, I always told myself that if my acting career did not take off, I would go back to college,” she said. “And that is what I always tell youngsters. You have to have plan B. I always had a plan B since life doesn’t stop, it keeps on going,” she said.
Priyanka Chopra also disclosed how she had been told by a producer once that girls are replaceable.
“It subconsciously worked on my mind and I started picking parts where I was stronger and not the damsel in distress. Thirteen to fifteen years later, now I am irreplaceable,” she said.
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