IDEAS 2022: Alternate traffic plan issued by Karachi traffic police

IDEAS 2022, #IDEAS2022, Alternate traffic plan, Karachi traffic policeIDEAS 2022, #IDEAS2022, Alternate traffic plan, Karachi traffic police

KARACHI: Karachi police issued an alternate traffic plan ahead of the 11th International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) 2022, being held in Expo Centre, ARY News reported.

The IDEAS 2022 will be held Karachi Expo Centre from November 15 to 18.

According to the alternate traffic plan, heavy traffic will be banned on the roads to the Karachi Expo Centre. Heavy vehicles and commercial traffic will be completely banned from Shahrea Faisal’s Nursery to Shah Suleman Road.

The alternate route for the heavy and commercial traffic will be Drigh Road to NIPA Chawrangi, whereas, heavy traffic will be disallowed from Rashid Minhas Road-Millennium Mall to Dalmia Road.

IDEAS 2022, #IDEAS2022, Alternate traffic plan, Karachi traffic policeIDEAS 2022, #IDEAS2022, Alternate traffic plan, Karachi traffic police

Moreover, the entry of heavy traffic will be closed from NIPA Chowrangi to Mazar-e-Quaid. Traffic will be closed from the New Town police station to Stadium Road.

Karachi traffic police officials said that both tracks of the University Road will be opened for traffic. However, the route from Hassan Square to the Shahrea Faisal flyover will be closed.

During the exhibition hours, both tracks of the Sir Shah Suleman Road will be closed from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Vehicles with special entry stickers will be allowed to enter Karachi Expo Centre.

Here is the complete traffic plan:


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