Preity Zinta was in the headlines last year for filing charges of abuse and molestation against her former boyfriend Ness Wadia. However, the actress’ personal life was again in the press, in light of rumours buzzing earlier this month that she had planned to wed her American boyfriend Gene Goodenough.
Also read: Preity Zinta set to tie the knot with American boyfriend?
In a tweet, here’s how Preity addressed the rumours:-
So there you go, Preity said it herself. When she does decide to get hitched, she’ll let us know. Earlier, Zinta had admitted to dating a person when she said in response to a question:-
” Yes, I’m in a relationship with someone nice. Finally, I have time for myself as the cricket doesn’t need me physically.”
Lending credence to Preity’s story was also another source close to her, which had stated that Gene was not her boyfriend but in fact, was a very close friend of the actress.
“Gene is NOT Preity’s boyfriend. He is a very good friend. Preity’s brother and little niece live in the US and she visits them regularly. She therefore has a lot of very good friends in America.”
So as far as Preity Zinta is concerned, the actress is not getting married for now and is still a bachelorette. Who knows when she’ll finally settle down and decide to take the marriage plunge?
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