According to details, the accused were killed during the course of police raids in the city’s Surjani Town and Machar Colony areas. Furthermore, police also rescued a kidnapped trader and arrested six gamblers from Nazimabad and recovered gambling money from them.
As per details revealed by the police, kidnapped trader Zahid was rescued and five individuals involved in kidnapping for ransom were killed. The accused had demanded a ransom of Rs. 3 million for Zahid’s release. Zahid had been kidnapped on
February 28 and was kept in a residential building since then. The Anti-Violent Crime Cell (AVCC) conducted a raid in Surjani Town and killed all five kidnappers. Weapons were seized from the slain suspects.During a separate raid conducted in Machar Colony, police killed three members of the Lyari gang-war. Police officials revealed that the killed members were involved in grenade attacks as well as other serious crimes.
In Nazimabad, police arrested six gamblers and also recovered the gambled money from them.
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