WATCH: This ‘Hollywood-inspired’ Karachi boy can turn his head 180 degrees

karachi boykarachi boy

KARACHI: Just days after a girl from Mithi made headlines for muscular disorder that keeps her head bent to a 90 degree angle, another boy from Karachi has come to light with a unique ability who can turn his head 180 degrees to look directly behind him. Incredibly shocking …isn’t it?

Named Muhammad Sameer, the boy can ‘easily’move  his hands to help rotate his head back over his shoulders.

‘It fascinated me. I started practising for it and within few months, I was able to it, he told the Daily Mail.

‘My mother slapped me when she saw me doing this and told me never to do it again as I might end up hurting my neck but with time she realised that I’m God gifted,” he says.


‘I would have been six or seven when I saw an actor in a Hollywood horror movie turning his head to look behind him.

‘My dream is to work like that actor in Hollywood horror movies,’ he underlines

But this is not just a unique ability alone, Sameer quit his studies and became part of a dance group, Dangerous Boys, to earn a living and help his family run the household affairs after his father fell ill.

His father Sajid Khan, 49, had suffered heart strokes twice and left working.

The kid’s mother 45-year-old mother Rukhsana Khan explains: ‘Sameer’s father was working in a textile mill. But he had to stop working after he suffered heart strokes twice in a year.

‘Since then he not keeping well and the whole responsibility of the family came on Sameer’s shoulders.

‘He is only a kid but we have no other option. I wanted him to study and make a name for himself but destiny had something else in store.’

Pictures via The Daily Mail

Sameer along with eight other members of the dance group performs at dance shows across Karachi. For every show, according to the report, the talented boy earns between £6 to £10. (Rs 700 and Rs 1200 roughly)

But Sameer believes that he could earn between Rs 12,000 and Rs 14,000 every month.

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