Karachi plunges into darkness; two kids electrocuted amid heavy rainfall

hot weather k-electric loadsheddinghot weather k-electric loadshedding

With the start of heavy rain after Iftaar, at least 677 electricity feeders were tripped pushing over half of the city into dark.

K-Electric spokesman said KE staff of all the four regions has been put on standby to restore electricity supply wherever required.


On the other hand, power breakdown at Dhabeji pumping station has suspended water supply to Pepri and Gharo pumping stations subsequently halting water supply to Karachi.

The rain was a source of relief for most of the rain-starving Karachiiites and at the same time a cause of grief for some people.


Millions of gallon water could not be supplied to the city after power supply was cut to the pumping stations.

Karachi Met department had predicted rain in Karachi today.

Weather turned pleasant in the city with the sunset. Initially some parts of the city received light rain. Then it rained cats and dogs after 8 pm in all parts of the city. Karachi streets got drenched and the city plunged into darkness with first spell of monsoon rain.

The city was expecting a sigh of relief after scorching temperatures since the last three days. The mercury had shot to 40 degrees which severely affected the lives of people in the city.

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