On 13th July 1931, more than 20 people killed when the Dogra army opened fire on unarmed Kashmiris and killed them for protesting against autocratic rule. #KashmirMartyrsDay started trending in Pakistan, as Twitter users vented their frustration at Indian autocratic rule via tweets:-
This is Srinagar where indian force badly beat boys #KashmirMartyrsDay pic.twitter.com/B37i4AaMZZ
— Marium Amir (@marium_pti) July 13, 2015
The sacrifices of Kasmiris will never be forgotten.. #KashmirMartyrsDay pic.twitter.com/cIFcP9bo7v
— Dr. Nabeel Alvi (@RphNabeel) July 13, 2015
Graves of 21 Martyrs who gave their lives to complete Azaan #KashmirMartyrsDay pic.twitter.com/bDtR3xZX6s
— Mishkaat Umair (@mishkoo90) July 13, 2015
Where the UNO Where is Human Rights NGOs Is cruelty and terror just to hit non muslims? #KashmirMartyrsDay pic.twitter.com/aSQPC9grlt
— گوغلام گو (@mudazir) July 13, 2015
Kasmir is integral part of Pak&we wud never step aside,word has to take notice of endian brutality #KashmirMartyrsDay pic.twitter.com/IFvGOMiK7Y
— Farzana Malik (@farazanaamalik) July 13, 2015
#KashmirMartyrsDay shame #IndianArmy pic.twitter.com/5veMxF3Gja
— kalsoombaloch (@kalsoombaloch) July 13, 2015
Blood of Kashmiri brethren is on the hands of Indian Army! The blood will result soon #KashmirMartyrsDay pic.twitter.com/2ub9LXmARi
— Maha (@mahajaved20) July 13, 2015
#KashmirMartyrsDay Blood of a shaheeds will take revenge against India brutality, hypocrisy and double standards pic.twitter.com/oYmOO6WAAj
— Saira Mehreen Abbasi (@Saira_M_Abbasi) July 13, 2015
In Kashmir You are not allowed to bury the martyrs. Father guarding corpse of his son. #KashmirMartyrsDay pic.twitter.com/MUQEvmJw64
— ☆Kashmir Will Rise☆ (@kashmir_rise) May 21, 2015
Allah does not show mercy on those who do not show mercy on mankind. #KashmirMartyrsDay @ShkhRasheed pic.twitter.com/HwDDZlm4m3
— میاں نواز شریف (@MianNSharif) May 21, 2015
Cruelity of Indian Army can’t spress their Freedom struggle #KashmirMartyrsDay pic.twitter.com/8zh1u6Zzp5
— Ahmad Ali (@ahmadali300) May 21, 2015
#KashmirMartyrsDay pic.twitter.com/mOQY3G8sq7
— Alina Sarwar (@2AlinaSarwar) May 21, 2015
Is this beautiful valley always supposed to say grey? Do they not deserve colours in their lives? #KashmirMartyrsDay pic.twitter.com/jcP15Jdsor
— Talbia Akbar Khan (@talbiaakbar) July 13, 2015
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