These WhatsApp features that everyone is not aware of


WhatsApp has virtually become a necessity for those addicted to smartphones. And this necessity gives no sign of relenting.

Millions of users the popular messaging app, but hardly a handful of users are aware of all the features that this app offers.

We will take a look at some of the least-discussed options in the app.

Enabling new typewriter font

WhatsApp featuresWhatsApp features

To change the font of your WhatsApp messages, use the ` symbol three times either side of the word. For example, “`Hello“`.  The symbol – not to be mistaken with ‘ – is available on the Android keyboard, but isn’t on the standard iOS one. If you’re using an Apple device for WhatsApp you can copy and paste this “` and use it either side of the word.


Send same message to multiple contacts

WhatsApp trickWhatsApp trick

In the top left of the WhatsApp “Chats” screen there is a little-used feature called “Broadcast Lists”. This lets you send the same message to multiple contacts at once without them knowing, a bit like the “Bcc” button on emails.

Go to Chats -> Broadcast Lists -> New List -> add contacts and write out your message -> hit send. The message and their reply will appear in your private chat with each person, but with a little megaphone icon next to it.


Send a giant heart


A giant, beating red heart will appear on the chat screen if you send it on its own.


How to change font appearance

You can format the text in WhatsApp messages by adding symbols in front of and after words.

1- For bold add asterisks to either side of a word or sentence, e.g. *bold*

2- Italicise a message with underscores, e.g. _italics_

3- To strikethrough text add tildes, e.g. ~strikethrough~

Who you talk to the most?

To find out who your best friends on WhatsApp are, if you have an iOS device, head to Settings -> Account -> Storage Usage. Here you’ll see a list of the people and groups you message on WhatsApp along with the total number of interactions you’ve had with that person/group.



How to avoid group chats

If you have one or two group messages that are constantly abuzz, you can mute the chat for eight hours, a week or a year. Go into the chat, and tap the name of the group -> Mute -> select the amount of time. You can also mute notifications on one-to-one chats.



Dealing with blue-tick ‘headache’

If you want to give yourself time to reply to a message on WhatsApp without the other person seeing the dreaded blue ticks, this trick will help. It lets you read a message without giving the game away.

Way to protect your chat

Stop prying eyes from reading your messages by preventing the first line from appearing on your home screen. Go to Settings -> Notifications -> disable Show Preview.

You can also prevent nosy friends from happening on your chats by adding a password to WhatsApp through a third party app, such as AppLock for Android or iAppLock for iOS.

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