The benchmark KSE 100-Index has witnessed positive change of 0.32 per cent and closed the trading day at 31690.10 points.
High and Low were 31720.94 and 31509.78 respectively.
Total volume traded in the market was 239,526,364 and in terms of value it was 15,118,196,984.
Total traded companies were 378, among them 157 advanced, 173 declined while 18 went unchanged.
Top Three Traders
- Lafarge Pak. with a volume of 13,246,000 and price per share of 17.29 (0.44).
- Jah.Sidd. Co. with a volume 11,702,000 of price per share of 15.04 (0.79).
- B.O.Punjab with a volume 9,564,000 of price per share of 9.90 (0.16).
Top Three Advancers
- Bata (Pak) with price per share 3489.99 (164.49).
- Abbott Lab. with price per share of 753.26 (34.44).
- Ferozsons (Lab) share of 569.02 (27.09).
Top Three Decliners
- Colgate Palmolive with price per share of 1800.00 (-64.43).
- Siemens Pakistan with price per share of 1140.76 (-54.24).
- Shezan Inter. XDXB per share of 1205.34 (-48.66).