LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar on Wednesday said the government has provided 150 acres of land in Gujranwala and sixty-three acres land in Wazirabad for the establishment of the small industrial state.
In a statement issued here from Lahore, Punjab’s chief executive said that nine industrial centers will be established on ten thousand acres in the province to promote the industrial sector.
“Necessary steps are being taken for the formation of Special Economic Zones in this regard.
The chief minister said that six thousand people will get jobs due to the investment of six foreign companies in the province.
Last week, Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar had said that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) led government believed in performance instead of slogans.
In a statement issued from his office, CM Buzdar had said that the opportunity given by Almighty Allah to serve the people will be fulfilled by treating it as a sacred responsibility.
He had said that the PTI government was taking every decision in the best interest of the country so that the economy could be improved.
The chief minister made it clear that injustices made with the underprivileged areas by the past government will be compensated. He said, “Public needs are given priority in development schemes. Things are being improved day by day and a good time is knocking at the door.”
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