Bollywood actor Saira Banu got emotional while accepting the Dr. Bharat Ratna Ambedkar Award on behalf of her late actor-husband Dilip Kumar at an event.
She received the Dr. Bharat Ratna Ambedkar Award from Union Minister Ramdas Athawale.
Central Minister Ramdas Athawale and Buddhanjali’s director Kailash Masoom honored Mohammed Yusuf Khan (Dilip Kumar) with the Bharat Ratna Dr. Ambedkar Award 2022 posthumously.
Saira Banu got emotional while receiving the award and started crying remembering Dilip Sahab— Kailash Masoom (@MasoomKailash) June 15, 2022
“This is the reason I don’t attend any functions because I feel terrible, but what do I do,” she said.
She went on to say she feels her husband is still there supporting her.
“I feel he is still here, watching everything, being with me. He is not in my memories. He is with me at every step. I’ll be able to spend my life believing he is with me,” she said.
“I won’t even think that he isn’t, so that it’s easier for me to believe he is with me and shall always be my support, ‘mera kohinoor‘,” she added.
Related – Dilip Kumar: The legendary actor’s best performances
She said her husband should be honoured with Bharat Ratna, which is the highest civilian honour of the country, because of his legacy.
“It should happen, God willing, because Dilip Sahab has been the ‘Kohinoor‘ of our country. So ‘Kohinoor‘ should definitely receive a Bharat Ratna,” she said while talking with the media.
According to the report, the minister announced he would request Prime Minister Narendra Modi to consider awarding Bharat Ratna to the legendary actor.
Dilip Kumar got married to Saira Banu in 1966. He passed away due to a prolonged illness in 2021.
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