A new interactive LED coffee table has been created that can be connected to a smartphone application allowing you to create your own animations, play arcade games and music.
The LED Table displays cool effects and animations synced with music and games and is fully controllable with a smart phone. Users can customise the effects to impress friends and family, light up their parties and get a smooth ambient light in their living room.
The LED table in the available Black, White, Oak and Birch colours and can even be customised, and users will enjoy vibrant lighting effects with real-time sound analysis, beat-and-frequency-based animations which will bring parties to a new level.
The LED table comes with four built-in music enhancing visual effects. The table also comes with multiple games including Pong, Block stacker, Snake, and Jumper.
Users can easily switch it on
and off, change the light intensity, play games and select animations to play. Just connect the table via Bluetooth and control everything through the Android App. It is only available on Android devices at the moment.Create your own set of animations using the online editor. You can share your creations at TheLEDTable.com and explore all the community animations. If you fall in love with one of the many animations available, then just grab it and upload it to your table!
Stephane Baleon from Leeds United Kingdom said he created his first LED Table back in 2013 as a engineering student in France. However, it was an experimental project for his friends and they were not attracted by the high cost. In 2017, Baleon decided to the project to a larger audience and early delivered are expected by Christmas this year.
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