KARACHI: In an unfortunate incident, a man on Wednesday allegedly killed his mother following a quarrel, hitting her multiple times with a rod in Karachi’s Gulshan-e-Maymar neighbourhood, ARY NEWS reported.
According to police, 60-year-old Lal Bibi was murdered by her son in Khadim Goth area of Gulshan-e-Maymar.
The suspect hit his mother’s head with a wooden rod, inflicting serious wounds that led to her immediate death. The suspect fled the crime scene after the incident as police said that they have started a search for him and are investigating the case from multiple angles.
People living in the neighbourhood had claimed that the victim had four daughters and sons each and the son who attacked her was suffering from mental illness.
In a similar incident, a man killed his stepmother, brother, and injured sister over a domestic dispute in Karachi’s Dumba Goth area.
According to police, a woman and a young man were killed after a family member shot them in Karachi Dumba Goth over a domestic dispute.
Another young woman was also injured in the firing, the police said, adding that she was immediately shifted to a nearby hospital.
The official said that the firing incident took place inside the house during a domestic dispute. Police launched an investigation into the case after arresting the suspect identified as Ilyas. The deceased were identified as Zubeda and Babloo.
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