Mehwish Hayat thinks Michelle Obama would make a wonderful president

Michelle Obama, Mehwish hayat, US PresidentMichelle Obama, Mehwish hayat, US President

Pakistani actor Mehwish Hayat thinks Michelle Obama should be the next US president. 

The wife of former US president Barack Obama posted a video of her trip to Vietnam and Malaysia for Girls Opportunity Alliance, an organization that aims to empower adolescent girls around the world through education.

Responding to Michelle’s tweet, the actor said that she admires her and the work she is doing with the Obama Foundation.

Hayat also expressed her wish to see Michelle Obama as the next US President.

“I do so admire @MichelleObamaand the work that she is doing with the @ObamaFoundation. I wonder has she thought about standing in the elections next year? I think she’d make such a wonderful President. What do you say USA?” she wrote.

The Tamgha-e-Imtiaz recipient was appointed as a goodwill ambassador for girls’ rights by the Ministry of Human Rights in October.

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