Mehwish Hayat slams Bollywood for vilifying Pakistanis

Mehwish HayatMehwish Hayat

Actress Mehwish Hayat pointed out that Bollywood and Hollywood could have done better with representations about Pakistan and Muslims.

The 36-year-old actor sent out a message of peace and harmony during an auspicious ceremony in Norway but called out the two film industries for ‘tarnishing the image of Pakistan globally.’

“Bollywood could have used cinema to promote mutual understanding instead of vilifying us as they do. They need to decide what is more important, nationalistic fervour or a peaceful future,” she said in her speech at the event.

The Jawani Phir Nahi Ani 2 actress was awarded the Pride of Performance Award by the country’s Prime Minister, Erna Solberg.

The Tamgha-e-Imtiaz recipient also raised her voice against Indian atrocities in occupied Kashmir.“Like our Prime Minister Imran Khan said, if they (India) are willing to take one step, we are ready to take ten more,” she said during the speech. “I pray that common sense prevails and we are able to witness real peace in the region.”

Her speech won many hearts. She was lauded for representing the country in the truest manner and for highlighting the plight of Kashmiris.

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