Daring or dangerous? Men capture giant crocodile using towel and string

giant crocodilegiant crocodile

A group of friends including a lifeguard were filmed while catching a saltwater giant crocodile bare-handed using just a towel and some strings at Costa Rica’s Dominical Beach in Bahia Ballena de Osa.

The 8ft predator was surprisingly caught easily by the men who wrapped its mouth with a towel, Mirror.co.uk reported.

The British website quoted some local reports that the giant male crocodile scared seven surfers and 10 beachgoers after being rejected by females and moved to a different habitat.

Fortunately, it had been spotted in time and the beach visitors were able to quickly move to a safe distance before the group set about catching it.

The crocodile was first seen in the water close to the beach, while in another scene shows the moment the group catches it with a towel before sitting on it and tying its mouth with string.

Men catch crocodile bare-handedMen catch crocodile bare-handed

The crocodile was taken to a safe location where it will be checked by specialists and released into the wild in an area called Tortuga, reports said.

According to the Costa Rican authorities, the sightings of crocodiles and caimans have increased by 27 percent in the last two years on the Central American country’s Pacific coast.

Conservation official Franchesco Di Palma said that it is common to see these animals at this time of the year, and that they are commonly males which have been rejected by members of the same habitat.

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