Indian TV show which was earlier accused of plagiarising the plot of ARY Digital’s super-hit serial ‘Meray Paas Tum Ho’ has recently stooped to a new low.
‘Kaamnaa’ has been a blatant rip-off to Pakistan’s mega-hit, with a scene-to-scene duplicate including the iconic dialogues and even costumes, proved the recently aired episode.
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A short clip doing rounds on the internet from one of the latest episodes sees the iconic gut-wrenching encounter between super talented Humayun Saeed, Ayeza Khan, and Adnan Siddiqui, being replicated, however, failed to create such an impact.
Related ‘Mere Paas Tum Ho’ dialogues go viral on social media
One of the local media portals when shared the clips from both the shows, side by side on Instagram, even the star himself couldn’t hold, and dropped a couple of ‘crying’ emojis on the video.
‘Meray Paas Tum Ho’, which broke ground with its release two years ago, was termed as one of the biggest serials in history. Starring the supremely talented Ayeza Khan, Humayun Saeed, Adnan Siddiqui, and Hira Mani in the lead, the play followed the tale of a simple man and his demanding wife, who subsequently leaves the family to start a new life with a wealthy businessman.
Written by famed writer Khalil ur Rehman Qamar, the Nadeem Baig directorial broke all the TRP records during its runtime, with massive YouTube viewership.
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