Monsoon may begin in last week of June this year: PMD

Monsoon spell, pre-monsoon, weather outlookMonsoon spell, pre-monsoon, weather outlook

ISLAMABAD: The Met Office has forecast the onset of the monsoon in the country expected during the last week of June this year with above normal rainfall.

The pre-monsoon rain spell may begin from second week of current month.

Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) in its outlook for June predicted an overall tendency of above normal rainfall in the country during forecast period.

Monsoon rainfall is expected to be above normal in Punjab and Sindh, whereas slightly above normal expected in remaining parts of the country, the Met Office (PMD) said.

“First phase of monsoon from 1st July to mid-August is expected to be wetter as compared to the last phase from mid-August to the end of September,” according to the weather outlook.

Possible extreme weather events over catchment areas may generate riverine floods in the major rivers, PMD cautioned. Heavy rainfall events may trigger flash flooding in hilly areas and urban flooding in plain areas such as major cities of Sindh, Punjab, AJK and KP during the season.

Above normal temperatures in high altitudes are likely to increase rate of snow-melt in the Northern Areas subsequently increasing the chances of base flow in the Upper Indus basin, which may result in sufficient water availability for irrigation and power sectors, according to the report.

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