Mother charged with manslaughter after two-year-old son murders husband

A mother from the United States was charged with manslaughter with culpable negligence after her husband was shot dead by her baby.

A foreign news agency reported the incident happened when the infant got his hands on a handgun in Florida. He fatally shot his father Reggie Mabry in the back as he played a video game.

The woman Marie Ayala, 26, reportedly had not secured the murder weapon properly.

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“The gun was not properly stored, and in fact, it was easily accessible even to a two-year-old, and the result is a tragedy in this community that no one can comprehend,” the Orange County Sheriff John Mina said as quoted in the report. 

Her five-year-old son said the killing happened by accident.

The authorities added that the incident will leave emotional wounds on the affected family forever.

“The children were not injured physically, but they will likely carry emotional wounds forever. Not only have they effectively lost both parents, but the toddler who accidentally shot his father in the back will also have to grow up with the knowledge that his actions caused his dad’s death. If you own a gun, always be responsible,” police stated.

The 26-year-old informed the authorities that the family and her three children were in the bedroom where the man was killed.

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