In a bizarre incident, a motorbike was towed in India’s Pune along with a rider sitting on it as it was parked in no parking area.
According to Indian media reports, the police were informed that the motorcycle was parked in no parking area. When the officials started towing the two-wheeler, the owner came and sat on it.
The incident took place in Nanapeth area in India’s Pune on Thursday evening after a Samarth traffic branch policeman along with contract staff lifted the motorcycle.
#WATCH | Maharashtra: A motorcycle was towed in Pune y’day while its rider was sitting on it
DCP Traffic says, “Bike was parked in no parking. When our officials towed it, owner came &sat on it. He was requested to get down. Later he did & accepted his mistake. He paid the fine”
— ANI (@ANI) August 20, 2021
“The motorcycle had almost been lifted when the rider came and climbed onto it to stop the towing and refused to get down despite repeated requests from police,” said Rahul Shriram Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic).
The video of the bizarre incident has gone viral on social media and was shared by many people online.
According to DCP, the man apologized and paid a fine, while the action was also taken against the contract staff as well as the traffic cop who was part of the team.
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