The rumpus erupted when Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Memon, during his speech, said several terrorists arrested by Karachi police were the employees of Karachi Water and Sewerage Board and Karachi Metropolitan Corporation, drawing wrath of MQM members.
Both the sides hurled barbs at each other and ignored directions from the Speaker Agha Siraj Durrani.
Speaking to media after the session, MQM MPA Khwaja Izharul Hasan said the Sindh government must rein in its minister, otherwise MQM could also hit back.
To a question, Hasan said MQM was opposed to any move to gag media voice. “We immediately demand the authorities concerned to restore TV channels which are suspended,” he said.
While castigating the provincial government, he said the PPP had not learnt anything from the past and it was committing the same mistakes it did previously.
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