Mugger shoplifts with security filming in plain sight, video stuns netizen

mugger shoplift videomugger shoplift video

SAN FRANCISCO: In a bizarre robbery, a mugger took items from a shelf and shoved them into a black garbage bag before leaving the shop in front of shoppers and security guard in San Francisco.   

In a video that went viral on social media, a man in a black hooded jacket can be seen stealing items from a shop in broad daylight while the customers and a security guard are filing the robbery.


After he filled his bag

with products, the mugger bicycled out of the store. However, no one tried to stop him. The video shows the guard tries to grab the bag out of the man’s hand but he didn’t really get into a fight and let him go.

The entire robbery episode baffled the netizens. It is pertinent to mention here that the city law downgraded the theft of property less than $950 in value from a felony charge to a misdemeanor in 2014.

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