Anisa Jussab, 36, bought a £1 pack of eggs from her local supermarket in Leicester and was about to bake a cake for her husband Farid, 37, when she noticed bumps on one of the shells, reported the Daily Mail.
And upon taking a closer look Mrs Jussab discovered the word ‘Allah’ in Arabic script – leading her to believe that it was a blessing.
She said: ‘We have been blessed by a miracle. It’s not something anyone has carved on the egg. These things appear and I’ve heard about this sort of thing in the roots of trees and in the sky.
‘It is a sign and I think it’s a message to all Muslims to forgive and to have a clean heart. It is a miracle and a blessing.’
Mr Jussab’s wife purchased the pack of ten Class A large fresh eggs from Iceland last Thursday so that she could bake a cake for him at the weekend.
‘I was sleeping and she came running upstairs to wake me. The sun was shining and I could see it perfectly. All the hairs on my arms stood up. We were both so shocked and surprised.’
He went to the Masjid Ul Imam Al Bukhari mosque in Leicester about the discovery, where the imam advised him to let the contents of the egg out to stop it becoming rotten.
It may be noted here that in March 2011, Asim Taj, 24, spotted the word Allah on an egg after buying it in a box from a local shop in Nottingham – prompting some visitors to travel almost 100 miles to see it.
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