Bollywood director Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s latest release “Padmaavat” has turned out to be a big winner at the box office despite being banned in four Indian states following violent protests and life threats.
However, it seems as if the issues surrounding the movie have no ending. Now another trouble has cropped up in the form of online pirates who have leaked Padmaavat on the internet.
Indian local media reported that co-producer Viacom 18 lodged complaints with the cybercrime cells of Maharashtra, Delhi and Chandigarh.
Read More: Will Deepika do another Padmaavat like film?
A spokesman of the production house said, “The cyber-crime cells across the respective states have been extremely co-operative and have begun a thorough investigation into the matter. We hope that the authorities take strict and immediate action.”
While, a sources from the cybercrime cell claimed, “The officials have been tracking the usual pirates. At some point, they will attempt to make pirated DVDs. The cyber cell has alerted their stringers about it, so they will be nabbed if they try it.”
Padmaavat was released in India on January 25 and since then it has already seen business worth 150 crores rupees despite being banned in four Indian states.
WATCH: Ranveer Singh’s reaction as ‘Padmaavat’ declared hit
The film has received rave reviews and is being appreciated in Pakistan as well.
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