Pakistan expresses concerns over undermining strategic stability in South Asia

South AsiaSouth Asia

RAWALPINDI: The National Command Authority (NCA) has expressed concern over destabilizing actions in Pakistan’s neighbourhood, which undermine the objective of maintaining strategic stability in South Asia.

The concerns were expressed during the 23rd meeting of the National Command Authority in Rawalpindi on Thursday with Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi in the chair.

The actions include the massive arms build-up in the conventional domain, nuclearization of the Indian Ocean Region and plans for the development and deployment of Ballistic Missile Defence. The NCA was briefed comprehensively on the strategic environment.

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The meeting was attended by the federal ministers of defence and interior, services chiefs and high military and civil officials.

The National Command Authority meeting reiterated Pakistan’s policy of developing and maintaining ‘Full Spectrum Deterrence’ in line with the policy of ‘Credible Minimum Deterrence’ and avoidance of arms race.

The forum congratulated the scientists and engineers on their contributions to strengthen national defence capabilities.

It appreciated the technological sophistication demonstrated during the tests of Babur III SLCM and Ababeel Missile System, which have ushered a new era in technological sophistication of Pakistan’s strategic capabilities.

The NCA took a detailed review of the Nuclear Security Regime and expressed full confidence in command and control systems and security measures in-place to ensure comprehensive stewardship and security of strategic assets and materials.

It re-affirmed that, as a responsible nuclear state, Pakistan would continue to contribute meaningfully towards the global efforts to improve nuclear security and nuclear non-proliferation measures.

The NCA appreciated the high standards of training and operational readiness of the strategic forces to meet all kinds of threats.

The NCA asserted that Pakistan desires peaceful co-existence in the region and will endeavour to work with its neighbours to ensure strategic stability in South Asia.

The NCA noted with satisfaction, the implementation of national comprehensive export control measures, which are in line with international export control regimes.

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It reiterated that Pakistan has the requisite credentials to become part of various non-proliferation regimes, including the Nuclear Suppliers Group, for which Pakistan seeks adoption of a non-discriminatory criteria based approach.

The NCA was also briefed on National Space Programme – 2047 and ‘Nuclear Power Programme’ for peaceful uses of nuclear technology, to meet growing energy needs.

The NCA fully endorsed both these programmes as these are essential for future national socio-economic prosperity and growth.

The NCA particularly noted the potential of space programme in almost all current and emerging civilian sectors, ensuring resource generation and optimization. The role of nuclear applications in the fields of health, agriculture, medicine and industry was deeply appreciated.

The NCA reiterated Pakistan’s interest in expanding international cooperation in these areas and play a positive role towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as a provider of expertise and services in peaceful nuclear application.

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