Pakistan joins the ‘Happiness Project’ in partnership with Wall’s Ice Cream and Project Everyone

Pakistan joins ‘Happiness Project’ with Wall’s Ice CreamPakistan joins ‘Happiness Project’ with Wall’s Ice Cream

Wall’s Ice Cream, and Project Everyone have announced the expansion of their joint initiative, The Happiness Project, in Pakistan.

The project aims to teach children about the fundamental elements of happiness and wellbeing through five learning modules: Connections, Creativity, Movement, Kindness, and Gratitude. The program was created in partnership with a panel of global advisory teachers, students, and clinical psychologists.

The initiative aims to reach three million children globally by 2025, with successful pilot programs already running in Pakistan, Indonesia, and Turkey. Out of the 135,000 children who participated in the program last year, more than 80% reported feeling happier after completion. The program has received support from several wellbeing experts and is being expanded to countries across Europe, including Sweden and Germany, as well as China and Latin America.

The Happiness Project has been developed in response to rising concerns over the wellbeing of children during the pandemic. The initiative seeks to enable children to become “happiness catalysts/activists” by sharing their knowledge about the program’s five key ingredients for happiness with their wider school and local communities. The desired outcomes of the program include increased emotional literacy and greater confidence among children to look after their own emotional wellbeing.

Amir Paracha, Chairman & CEO, Unilever Pakistan, praised the project, saying: “One may believe that happiness is a thing felt within, but truly, more often than not, it is the reflection of

the joy we bring to another shining back in our eyes and hearts. It is empowering that our brand Wall’s is the reason for the smiles of so many children and people across Pakistan. Being the source of this joy in their lives with our simple but sincere mission of spreading happiness, at a time when each and every one of us is seeking out and cherishing good news more than ever, is truly what happiness is for me.”

Munir Hasan, Head of Nutrition, Home Care and Ice Cream, Unilever Pakistan further added, “We believe that every child deserves to live and experience happiness every day. The

Happiness Project is a unique initiative that focuses on teaching children about the essential elements of joy and happiness. Wall’s is committed in making a positive impact in the communities we serve and believes that The Happiness Project is a step towards a brighter future for all.”

The Happiness Project initiative is in line with Pakistan’s national vision for development, which emphasizes the importance of promoting emotional wellbeing and mental health. By initiating The Happiness Project by Wall’s Ice Cream and Project Everyone, Pakistan aims to provide children with the tools they need to become more connected and happier individuals, capable of building a more inclusive and sustainable society.
The initiative’s expansion into Pakistan was held on the International Day of Happiness, March 20, 2023.


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