‘Pakistan to continue supporting just settlement of Kashmir dispute’

Pakistan, Kashmir dispute, FO spokespersonPakistan, Kashmir dispute, FO spokesperson

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office (FO) spokesperson said that Pakistan will continue to extend political, diplomatic and moral support to Kashmiri brothers and sisters for the just and peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.

Speaking about the unending ordeal of the women in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) during the weekly press briefing, she said that Pakistan will continue to advocate for the rights of Kashmiri women and invite the international community’s attention towards the grave situation of Kashmiri women in IIOJK.

“At least 682 women civilians have been victims of extrajudicial killings by the Indian forces since January 2001. Instead of providing them protection, Indian security forces molested or raped 11,256 women during the same period,” she said.

She added, “Women constitute majority of the Kashmiri people suffering from psychiatric problems that are widespread in the climate of oppression and fear. Over two dozen women leaders and activists, including Asia Andrabi, remain incarcerated in different jails of IIOJK and New Delhi.”

The spokeswoman further said that women across the globe should take cognizance of their Kashmiri sisters’ plight and urge India to protect women’s rights in IIOJK. “For its part, Pakistan will continue to invite the international community’s attention towards the grave situation of Kashmiri women in IIOJK,” she added.

The spokesperson said United Nations Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General for Afghanistan, Markus Potzel, will visit Pakistan from 09-10 March 2023.


will call on the Foreign Secretary and exchange views on the situation in Afghanistan, with a special focus on the humanitarian situation and international assistance for the Afghan people. Pakistan considered UNAMA as an important partner in our international engagement efforts on Afghanistan.

Next week, two important dialogues will be held between Pakistan and the United States. These include the Energy Security Dialogue and the Climate and Environment Working Group to be held in Islamabad, she added.

She said Energy Security Dialogue is scheduled for 15 March 2023. The US Department of State’s Bureau of Energy Resources Assistant Secretary Geoffery Pyatt will lead the US delegation.

Secretary Power and Secretary Petroleum will lead from the Pakistan side. Discussions will be held on energy priorities, advancing the renewable energy transition, and economic and commercial opportunities in the energy sector.

“Climate and Environment Working Group meeting is scheduled for 16 March 2023. The US Department of State’s Oceans and International Environment and Scientific Affairs (OEC) Assistant Secretary Monica Madina will lead the US delegation. The two sides will discuss Pakistan’s climate priorities and energy transition, water management, climate smart agriculture, biodiversity and protected national areas, air quality, and solid waste management. This will be the second round for the Energy Security Dialogue and the Climate and Environment Working Group. The first rounds were held virtually in September 2021.”

She said in the coming days bilateral dialogues will be held with countries in East Asia including Australia, China, Japan, and Malaysia.

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